"Call the Midwife" is a beloved British television series that has captured the hearts of audiences with its compelling storytelling and memorable characters. As fans eagerly anticipate the upcoming series ten premiere on Sunday, April 18th at 8 pm, exciting news has emerged regarding the future of the show.
With series eleven on the horizon and set to begin filming soon, viewers can look forward to an extended run of "Call the Midwife" that will keep them entertained until 2024. This extended commitment to the show comes as a result of the confidence and support from key figures in the industry, including Piers Wenger, the Director of BBC Drama, and Charlotte Moore, the Chief Content Officer.
The upcoming series twelve and thirteen, which have been officially commissioned, will consist of two sets of eight episodes each, totaling sixteen episodes, along with two special Christmas episodes to delight fans during the festive season. This announcement not only ensures that fans will have plenty of "Call the Midwife" to enjoy in the coming years but also underscores the enduring popularity and success of the show.
As the show continues to captivate audiences with its poignant storytelling, rich character development, and historical authenticity, the future looks bright for "Call the Midwife" as it embarks on this exciting new chapter of its television journey. 秋霞电影网为你提供影片《呼叫助产士:2022圣诞特别篇》手机免费在线观看的同时,也会每天都更新大量的热门影视,满足各位网友的需求!